NGOs and Arab women
When you read in the book # Sana_Egypti = normalization and financing, and in only one part are the organizations
Funded under the title of the woman, improving her condition, her demands, and so on, which were established in Egypt alone since the end of the seventies until the beginning of the 21st century. And the most powerful in the world !!!!
The answer will also come to you in the same book .... for the woman herself is represented by these women who are funded .. and who
They left the homeland’s issues and issues… and they panted behind the suspicious funds did nothing but fill their pockets
And funding organizations continue to sabotage ... and will continue ... as long as these mentalities and these models exist
In our lives and do not preach
When you read in the book # Sana_Egypti = normalization and financing, and in only one part are the organizations
Funded under the title of the woman, improving her condition, her demands, and so on, which were established in Egypt alone since the end of the seventies until the beginning of the 21st century. And the most powerful in the world !!!!
The answer will also come to you in the same book .... for the woman herself is represented by these women who are funded .. and who
They left the homeland’s issues and issues… and they panted behind the suspicious funds did nothing but fill their pockets
And funding organizations continue to sabotage ... and will continue ... as long as these mentalities and these models exist
In our lives and do not preach
rsaluh 'iilaa waean #qmam_alfadihh_walearifi alyaman
alyaman 'asl alearab wafi alyaman kan sadu marib aldhy kan alsadu aleali ahd 'ahfadih.
wafi alyaman kanat alduwal mundh alaf alsinin baynama ealaa alraml walnaft 'aqamat al'iimbirialiat dawilat. walyaman aljuz' alearabiu alwahid 'iilaya lm yusaytir ealayh alaistiemar aleuthmaniu 'iilaa juzyiyaa.wakadhilik bed marakish.
wal'ahama: 'an 'akbar wa'utul mawqif shaebiin mae filastin hu min alyamn. walyaman tashkilat aijtimaeiat aiqtisadiat thaqafiat wadhat. laysat shuqfat bald...!!
aihtilal alyaman lays mumkna. waleudwan ealaa alyaman lays bila manafie ,
mae 'anana nakarih alhurba, lkn aleudwan yueid lilyaman wahdatih alshaebiatu.
sayakun hunak eumala' min alymnyemlwn lisalih al sueud wghyrhm ..,w hdha tabiei, walakun eudwan 'amrikiin saeudiun wala shaka bikhabrat sahyuniat hu hadiat lilyaman..,lanah sayuahid alshaeb alyamania klh lihamayih 'ardih ..!!
waleudwan ma hu 'iilaa bimathabat althawrat almudadat alty hadafaha taqwid mueaskar almuqawama ..,
walaihdaf alatiyh hi al'iijhaz ealaa alqadiat alfilastiniat.
wahimayat alqaeidat waltasaluh mae daeish
waislihat aleudwan hi alttayifiat warie alnaft
Afficher plus
A message to and on # Qimam_Al-Fadhah and Arar in Yemen
Yemen is the origin of the Arabs. In Yemen, the Ma'rib Dam, which was the High Dam, was one of its descendants.
In Yemen, countries were thousands of years ago, while on sand and oil, imperialism established states. Yemen is the only Arab part that was only partially controlled by the Ottoman colonial rule, as well as some Marrakesh.
The most important: The largest and longest popular position with Palestine is from Yemen. Yemen is a clear socio-economic lineup. Not a country’s flip ... !!
Occupation of Yemen is not possible. And aggression against Yemen is not without benefits,
Although we hate war, the aggression restores Yemen's popular unity.
There will be agents from the Yemeni who work for the benefit of Al Saud and others .., and this is normal, but an American-Saudi aggression is undoubtedly Zionist experiences is a gift to Yemen .., because it will unite the entire Yemeni people to protect their land .. !!
And aggression is nothing but a counter-revolution that aims to undermine the resistance camp ..,
The following goals are the elimination of the Palestinian cause.
And protect the base and reconcile with ISIS
And the weapons of aggression are sectarianism and oil rents
Yemen is the origin of the Arabs. In Yemen, the Ma'rib Dam, which was the High Dam, was one of its descendants.
In Yemen, countries were thousands of years ago, while on sand and oil, imperialism established states. Yemen is the only Arab part that was only partially controlled by the Ottoman colonial rule, as well as some Marrakesh.
The most important: The largest and longest popular position with Palestine is from Yemen. Yemen is a clear socio-economic lineup. Not a country’s flip ... !!
Occupation of Yemen is not possible. And aggression against Yemen is not without benefits,
Although we hate war, the aggression restores Yemen's popular unity.
There will be agents from the Yemeni who work for the benefit of Al Saud and others .., and this is normal, but an American-Saudi aggression is undoubtedly Zionist experiences is a gift to Yemen .., because it will unite the entire Yemeni people to protect their land .. !!
And aggression is nothing but a counter-revolution that aims to undermine the resistance camp ..,
The following goals are the elimination of the Palestinian cause.
And protect the base and reconcile with ISIS
And the weapons of aggression are sectarianism and oil rents
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