Corona ... Les États-Unis franchissent le seuil des 100 000 personnes et le compteur de décès s'accélère en Europe
Villes fantômes et frontières fermées. Le monde met la moitié de sa population en quarantaine
Les principales places et rues semblaient vides dans les principales capitales arabes, comme l'ont montré des photos des agences de presse, à la lumière de mesures strictes pour lutter contre l'épidémie de Corona, où environ la moitié de la population mondiale repose dans une pierre générale.
Les principales places et rues semblaient vides dans les principales capitales arabes, comme l'ont montré des photos des agences de presse, à la lumière de mesures strictes pour lutter contre l'épidémie de Corona, où environ la moitié de la population mondiale repose dans une pierre générale.
I'm not looking at months I can tell you
right now we're gonna be opening up our
country and we're gonna be watching
certain areas you can't keep it closed
for the next you know four years you
have tremendous responsibility we have
jobs we have people get tremendous
anxiety and depression and you have
suicides over things like this when you
have terrible economies you have death
probably and I mean definitely would be
in far greater numbers than the numbers
that we're talking about with regard to
the virus I'm also hopeful to have
Americans working again by that Easter
that beautiful Easter day the rate of
cases the rate of new infections is
doubling about every three days that is
a dramatic increase in the rate of
infection and this whole discussion all
along has been how fast does the rate of
increase spread and can we slow the rate
of increase we're not slowing it and it
is accelerating on its own we have
tested by far more than anybody we're
testing more than anybody right now
there's nobody even close and our tests
are the best tests are the most accurate
tests but if you're saying we're going
to test 350 million people I watched a
statement I disagree with it we have
some big problems but it's gonna find to
certain areas high density areas so why
would we test the entire nation 350
people for the good of our nation we
need the military to be directly
involved in getting supplies all over
this country and a really rapid basis
starting with those ventilators putting
into play they're extraordinary a
medical personnel on much higher level
and bringing medical personnel civilian
medical personnel from all over the
country to serve here quickly
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